WBHS Magazine 1996

Read the 1996 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1996 School Magazine.

From Ms Bev Connellan’s Editorial:

Once again, we, the staff and the boys, have experienced another outstanding year in 1996, at Wynberg Boys’ High School. All areas of our multi-faceted school have made achievements of note, improving on the high standards of previous years. The idea of the well-rounded pupil has again been promoted in our education, both in and out of the classroom, and the boys have certainly lived up to expectations. One could say, with all due respect to the other school spheres, that the culmination of 1996 was the record number of A aggregates achieved by our Matrics. While being noteworthy for its high standards, 1996 has also been the year in which a number of staff members left the teaching profession, and we sadly mourn the death of Mrs Bunty Joubert, our much loved school secretary.

Once again, Greg Jemmet and Charles Prince must be thanked for their unfailing enthusiasm, good humour and expert editing. They make my task very much easier and more enjoyable. Thanks also to Mr and Mrs Brown and Capefoto for their superb team and group photos, and to James Buchanan for his wonderful photographs. It had been stated that 1995 was an excellent year, but we discover that it has merely laid the foundation for a truly outstanding year in 1996.

Read the full magazine online.

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