
A Beacon of Comprehensive Education and Character Development

Scholarship Applications

Please note that all enrolment applications must be made using the official WCED School Admissions Management Information system; applications for scholarships must be made directly to WBHS, but do not constitute an official enrolment application.

Please complete the Scholarship Application Form for 2026 by no later than 15 April 2025.


The application form will require you to provide personal information, detail your previous education and achievements, and express your academic interests and goals.

Submitting supporting documents and paying any necessary fees are also part of the process.

It’s recommended to become familiar with the school’s activities, facilities, and values before applying. The deadline for applications for admission in 2024 closed on 14 April

application form


The hostel, known as Littlewood House, accommodates 110 boys from Grades 8 – 12 and offers various facilities including dormitories, communal areas, recreational facilities, and access to school amenities such as sports facilities. The form is available for prospective students interested in boarding at the school

application form


The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) offers an online application system for student enrollment.

  • For Grade 1 and 8, the online application period for 2025 admissions is closed, and the outcome of on-time applications will be uploaded from 30 May 2024.
  • The application period for Grade R and transfers (Grade 2 – 7 and 9 – 12) was from 1 – 16 August 2024.



wced online


Our admissions policy can be downloaded as a PDF from.


It provides detailed information about the criteria and process for student admissions.


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