Read the 1995 WBHS School Magazine online
Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1995 School Magazine.
From Headmaster Mr Bruce Probyn’s Magazine report:
[A year of many developments in Education. WBHS launched the Constantia Wynberg Education Sharing initiative (CWESI), two State Commissions were instituted – The Hunter Commission to look at Governance and Financing of schools, and the Education Labour Relations Commission to decide on the Teacher/Pupil ratio – and corporal punishment was abolished in SA schools.]
The new discipline system of order marks with Friday DT’s and ultimately Headmaster’s Detention on a Saturday, does inconvenience everyone – the parents, boy and teachers – but I honestly believe that the inconvenience will in the long run inculcate a sense of self-discipline in the boys. Previously a quick hiding sorted out the problem, but not entirely the cause.
One of the deputies taking Headmaster’s Detention a few Saturdays ago had a similar debate with a Std Six boy who demanded to be given jacks. Eventually, after a long discussion, the deputy, to keep the chap quiet, told him that he was not allowed to give him a hiding and could get into serious trouble if he did.
After a few seconds’ silence the boy said, “Sir, if you don’t tell, I won’t.”