WBHS Magazine 1960

Read the 1960 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1960 School Magazine.

From Mr Harry Arguile’s Magazine Editorial:

The year has been a momentous one for our country, and indeed for the whole African continent. From Cape to Cairo the “winds of change” are sweeping over the continent, and on every side we are witnessing the upsurging of African nationalism …

In our country we have passed through a time of emergency unprecedented in our history, and no thinking person can view the future without some anxiety and misgiving. On every side we are being reminded of the urgent need for unity, if we are successfully to weather the storms which lie ahead …

It is a great pity, therefore, at a time when all shades of opinion are stressing the need for unity, that the policy should be to entrench divisions of race, language, culture, and even religion. This is in keeping with the declared aims of Christian National Education – so called – which “will have nothing to do with a mixture of languages, of culture, of religion, or of race”.

Recently a leading educationalist of this school of thought advocated that there should be separate schools for each religious group; that indeed any group of like-minded parents should be able, under specific conditions, to have their special State-aided schools. It is difficult to see how national unity can be achieved, if education is to be confined within the limits of a narrow sectarianism, and if divisions and antipathies are to be fostered in our schools, the very place surely where the seeds of unity should be sown.

Read the full magazine online.

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