WBHS Magazine 1961

Read the 1961 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1961 School Magazine.

From Mr Harry Arguile’s Magazine Editorial:

The year 1961 has been a memorable one both for our country and for the School. Nationally we have changed our status to that of a Republic, and by our withdrawal from the Commonwealth have severed ties which have stood us in good stead over the years. In the process, however, far from solving our problems and healing the tragic divisions among our peoples, we seem to have created for ourselves fresh problems, the full implications of which are not as yet fully apparent; all of which only goes to show that our salvation lies neither in a Republic nor a Monarchy, but in a fresh appraisement of human relationships and in a more realistic approach to our racial problems.

For us as a School the year has been chiefly memorable in that it has marked the celebration of our Double Diamond Jubilee. On 1st June [sic] we became 120 years of age. This may be no great age in comparison with that of educational institutions overseas, but it is a very respectable age by South African standards, and it entitles us to an honoured place among the oldest schools in the country.

Read the full magazine online.

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