WBHS Magazine 1941

Read the 1941 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1941 School Magazine.

From the Magazine Editorial:

Till we suspended the publication of the magazine last year, owing to the loss we incurred in our first issue after the outbreak of the war, we had not realised the value placed by our members upon our annual record of the activities of our school. From the protests we have received during this year, we have learned that in its eighteen years the magazine has become an integral part of the life of our school and is regarded as complementary to all the other activities we engage in, from the production of plays to the games we play and even to the impression which the personalities and, often, the idiosyncrasies of some of our members make upon their fellows. Without a magazine to record them, it seems, our achievements, our pleasures and our follies lose something of their flavour and a great deal of their importance.

Read the full magazine online.

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