WBHS Magazine 1943

Read the 1943 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1943 School Magazine.

From the Magazine Editorial:

Almost every year in the history of our community sees a new activity commenced or a traditional activity extended. In the present issue of the magazine we have to record both, as well as many changes on the staff.

The Physical Training which was introduced two years ago as a bi-weekly romp engaged in by the senior school en masse has become the bi-weekly exercising of each class separately, from Standard Three to Standard Ten. For this purpose Mr. L. S. Anderson of Port Elizabeth was appointed to the staff in January, and the school has gained by the innovation. Physical culture has become serious and the classes are looked forward to by the boys; the Cadet Corps, the football organisation and the boarding-house have benefited inestimably from Mr. Anderson’s presence, and the members of the staff have found a loyal and pleasant colleague.

The activities of the Cadet Corps have been extended. The study of the Bren Gun and the study of aircraft are undertaken on a second afternoon, and selected companies have taken part in a Retreat Ceremony, camps and competitions …

Read the full magazine online.

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