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WBHS Magazine 1931

Read the 1931 WBHS School Magazine online

October 2016: from the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1931 School Magazine.

From the Magazine Editorial, June Edition:

In this issue the Magazine makes its tenth appearance, and the seven years which it has recorded in the life of our School have – we may assert in that reminiscent mood which celebration of anniversaries induces – been memorable years, years in which many interesting events have occurred, many boys have had their day and passed on into business or the universities, and much has been achieved and at the end of which much remains to be achieved.

Extensions to our buildings have changed the appearance of our school. Our sport during the last five years has become unrecognisably different and definitely of the very finest quality. Our Debating Society is an institution, and, though young in years, has a tradition of excellent work done. School performances – recitals and plays – have been produced from time to time, all adequately and some exceptionally well. Our experience and a fresh allocation of funds assisting, a really good library is, we are sure, about to emerge. Above all, record examination successes came our way in the recent Matriculation; for – for once at leást – the results obtained were a true measure of ability. Our successful candidates – and we crave the indulgence of our readers for dwelling on our 1930 class – were at the same time good cricketers and footballers, keen members of our Debating Society and excellent fellows.

Read the full magazine online.

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