WBHS Magazine 1930

Read the 1930 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1930 School Magazine.

From the Magazine Editorial:

This year, we have every reason for hoping, will long be remembered as a full, productive year in which our school activities were as thorough as those of any other year that we can point to as having been particularly successful, and in which other activities, lying undeveloped and latent in the growth of any school, have been born – all crowned with the achievement of an Old Boys’ Union … the first meeting of which we recorded in our last issue, is firmly established and has several activities to its credit, so that in efficiency, though not in membership, it is not distinguishable from that of any other school. We think that we are right in acknowledging the indebtedness of the school to Granger of last year’s Matric, who interested a few old boys and circularised others and was thus responsible for the genesis of the Union, and in congratulating on their activity the committee and their honorary secretary, Felbert. The Union, besides legislating for a tie and colours to supplement the blazer, has assumed the responsibility of the Old Boys’ Match and supper, has organised a dance, and – an indication of its interest in our school-work itself – has provided a Best Speaker’s debating prize, and will very soon provide as large a reading public for the magazine as the school itself does.

Read the full magazine online.

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