Read the 1927 WBHS School Magazine online
Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1927 School Magazine (June edition).
From the Magazine Editorial:
Once again we make our bow to the public. This is our fifth issue, and the first in the fourth year of our life. That the magazine has become accepted and looked upon as being in the fixed order of things is evident in the abatement in supply of contributions; but we do not regard that as a hardship. The aspirants to publication that have failed us this time are those who contributed because of the novelty of the school’s possessing a magazine; the more earnest-minded have remained faithful to us. As always in the first half year, we can afford to dispense with all original contributions except a few of the highest standard; for it is after the first term – after the cricket season, the sports, the fete and the publication of examination results – that we need all our pages for recording school affairs. It is in the pages of our September issue that we expect our budding journalists and poets to shine.