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Thursday 12 – Sunday 15 September 2019: Wynberg Boys’ High School Water Polo takes great pleasure in presenting the 13th annual Ian Melliar Cup U15 Boys’ Water Polo Tournament.
An extract from Mr Jan de Waal’s welcome message, as published in the official programme:
It gives me great pleasure to welcome all the athletes, coaches, managers, umpires, and supporters to the 2019 Melliar Cup. Although most of the schools participating have been here before, this will be the first Melliar Cup experience for most of you. I am sure the keen competition and tightly contested matches will be much the same as in the past.
The Melliar Cup weekend is one of the highlights of the U/15 Water Polo school year and the rising excitement has almost been tangible over the last few weeks. The intention of this tournament has always been to give the boys the opportunity to test their skills against the best players in their age group in the country. I wish all the teams participating the best of luck. May the winners be humble in victory and the losers gracious in defeat and may the most deserving team emerge as the ultimate winners on Sunday …
Read the full programme online.