Wynberg Boys’ Schools Commitment to Non-Violence

Wednesday 4 September 2019: As Wynberg men, we must do better. We mourn with our fellow South Africans through this time of grief and sorrow. We are committed to building a strong ethical foundation by helping our boys and young men make responsible choices and to live honourable lives. We stand with the women of South Africa and say NO MORE.

The Wynberg Campus of Schools will stand together in solidarity on Thursday and remember those who have been victims and who are suffering. #EnoughIsEnough #ItStartsWithMe #StandUp #WeWillBeThere

The gruesome news of the brutal abuse and murder of Janika Mellow, a learner at Northwood Primary in Mitchell’s Plain, a fellow school within our Circuit, has caused a groundswell of outrage and protest. A group of senior boys and staff attended Janika’s Memorial Service this morning in solidarity with her family and friends, while the Wynberg Girls’ & Boys’ High Schools have called for all students and staff to wear black on Thursday 5 September and donate as much as can be afforded toward a fund to support Janika’s family.

Grade 10 and 11 students from Wynberg Boys’ High will picket in silent protest against gender abuse outside Wynberg Girls’ High, Springfield, and Herschel from  07h00 until  08h00 on Thursday, before the four Wynberg Campus Schools hold a joint assembly to unite in single purpose to raise awareness, and commit to #ItStartsWithMe

The Wynberg School community abhors the current horrific levels of gender-based violence, and we encourage all to be part of any action that speaks out against this.

Yours sincerely

Jan H de Waal
Wynberg Boys’ High School

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