WBHS Magazine 2007

Read the 2007 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 2007 School Magazine.

From Headmaster Mr Keith Richardson’s Magazine report:

What makes the Wynberg Brand different from other schools? After sitting through many assemblies, any Wynberg pupil should readily be able to supply the answer.

• Wynberg boys are proud of their uniforms and manners.
• Wynberg boys never give up.
• Wynberg boys respect and support one another.
• Wynberg boys always aim high.

While mistakes are made, and are indeed essential in growing up, the young man who leaves Wynberg after five years should have all of the above as his mission statement for life …

Relationships were sorely tested during the Teachers’ strike in the second term. By its very nature a strike is divisive and this proved to be the case as this strike divided teachers, it divided teachers from parents, it divided teachers from their employers. If any benefit was gained, it was to show the general populace that the teaching profession IS under threat. If the issues of poor salaries and indifferent conditions continue to drive teachers away from the profession, then the consequences for education and for South Africa itself are dire. I commend our Governing Body for placing teachers at the center of the 2008 school budget. There are many ‘nice to haves’ in schools, but committed teachers of quality are essential.

Read the full magazine online.

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