WBHS Magazine 1984

Read the 1984 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1984 School Magazine.

The welcome to 11th Headmaster of WBHS, Mr Rowan Algie:

The arrival of a new headmaster at a school never fails to arouse feelings of expectancy, apprehensiveness and anticipation among teachers, pupils and parents. “What will he be like?” “What changes will he make?” are, perhaps, the most frequently heard questions. All await his arrival with curiosity and conjecture.

However, it did not take us long to realise that our School Committee had made a wise choice in their appointment of Mr Rowan Algie, for, in the relatively short time that he has been with us, he has created a most favourable impression. He has proved to be an administrator of above-average capabilities and he has introduced interesting and valuable innovations into our school’s life. Furthermore, has shown himself to be approachable, open to suggestions and keenly interested in all the efforts and activities of his staff and pupils.

Our headmaster’s wife, Mrs Rosemary Algie, has, in her quiet and gracious manner, also displayed a continuing interest and involvement in the school’s activities.

Read the full magazine online.

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