WBHS Magazine 1970

Read the 1970 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1970 School Magazine.

From Senior School Notes in the Magazine:

The first half of the year passed uneventfully. Whatever there was of interest was packed into the third term. Once again Wynberg won the Cadet Band competition and will journey to Johannesburg to represent the Western Province Command in the national competition. Mr. Lennox, Mr. Gardner, Mr. Kooy and Mr. Breetzke are to be congratulated on this outstanding achievement. The Judo Team won the Western Province Inter-Schools’ Judo Competition for the fifth consecutive time, head-prefect G. Ronaldson gained second place in a national Road Safety Essay competition, Mrs. Catherine Taylor delivered a thought-provoking address at a very successful Founders’ Day ceremony, the Bevan English Reading Competition was held, the Matric Dance was a splendid success, the Old Boys organised a Sponsored Walk of nine miles which added R3,000 to their funds, and yet another of those noble but spindly and dangerous pines in front of the school has had to be felled.

Finally, there is nothing to report about the new school, except that it seems possible that the move will take place in three years*.

*It would be another 11 years before the High School moved into the buildings adjacent to the Hawthornden Estate in the 4th term of 1981.

Read the full magazine online.

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