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WBHS Magazine 1969

Read the 1969 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1969 School Magazine.

From Senior School Notes in the Magazine :

We have our highest-ever enrolment in the senior school – 624 pupils. A new structure of promotion posts in a school of our size provides for a deputy principal, a vice-principal and six senior assistants. These promotions are listed on the page giving the school staff.

The third term was very full. A long-pending panel inspection took place. For the layman a panel inspection involves a group of inspectors prodding and peering into all, even the remotest, aspects of teaching and school administration. lt involves remaining in a state of suspended Spring cleaning for months beforehand, and is very pleasant to have behind one …

Read the full magazine online.

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