Read the 1953 WBHS School Magazine online
Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1953 School Magazine.
From Senior School Notes in the Magazine :
… In spite of the new buildings which we have been using since the beginning of the year, however, we are still badly pressed for accommodation. Two of the Std. 6 classes are still housed in the Junior School, there being no classroom accommodation available for them in the Senior School, while our Std. 9 classes badly need dividing into three sections, but again there is no classroom available for this purpose. ‘Hope springs eternal in the human breast’, however, and we have every hope that the four additional classrooms ruled out by the Administration last year owing to lack of funds, will yet be provided …
Reference has already been made to the new buildings which have completely changed the face of the landscape. At long last Mr. Thorp has a Laboratory and Lecture Theatre of which he can be proud; Dr. Wood has seen his long-cherished plan for a separate Biology
Laboratory come to fruition; the Principal has an Office into which he need not hesitate to invite the most critical parent; the Staff at last rejoice in a Staff-room worthy of the name; and the Secretary also has a sanctum of his own. For these long-awaited improvements we are truly thankful, and, like Oliver Twist, we humbly ask for more.The Memorial Swimming-bath Scheme is at last beginning to materialise. A very attractive building which is to serve as changing rooms for the Bath has already been erected in the north-west corner of the fields, immediately in front of the tennis courts and looking diagonally across the fields towards the entrance gates. A solid building built of brick and roofed with tiles, it is already proving itself a great asset. In addition to its uses in connection with the Swimming-bath, when it materialises, it will provide valuable and very necessary accommodation for our Cricket and Football teams, as well as storage room for their equipment. We understand that there is every reason to believe that it will be possible to proceed with the building of the Swimming-bath in the near future.