Read the 1950 WBHS School Magazine online
Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1950 School Magazine.
From Mr Harry Arguile’s Magazine Editorial:
The Magazine brings you once again a record of the school year now rapidly drawing to a close, and, having read its pages, we trust you will agree that in the classroom, on the playing field, and on the wider stage of the world, the proud record of the School has been maintained and enhanced.
To Mr. W. Lennox, B.Sc., who joined the Staff in April of this year, and who comes to us from “Bonny Scotland” via “the Golden City,” we extend a very warm welcome, and we trust he will have a long and happy stay with us …
… Reference is made elsewhere in these pages to the history-making tour of the School Rugby team. Under the able management of Mr. Tasker, the team carried the School colours into some of the more distant parts of the Province, and the success of this venture prompts one to hope that it may be followed at a not too distant date by a similar project in the educational field.