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WBHS Magazine 1926

Read the 1926 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1926 School Magazine.

From the Magazine Editorial, October Edition:

The school has at last opened a tuckshop, which is proving an unqualified success. The whole institution is something to be proud of, as it was made and is run by the school. Mr. Clegg, with the help of the prefects, built the shop himself. Our sincere thanks are due to him as he gave up several weeks of his spare time to the erection of this building. The shop itself is run by the prefects, under the supervision of Mrs. Clegg. It has run particularly smoothly and a substantial sum has been added to the school funds.

At the end of last quarter the Junior School held a very successful concert. The hall was crowded with parents and boys and the programme was both varied and well carried out. About £15 was realised and given to the Junior School Library. We congratulate the Juniors on their excellent exhibition, and especially Miss Kahn, Miss Hodges, and their helpers, to whose indefatigable efforts the success of the concert was due.

It will be noticed that we have carried out our project of an enlarged Old Boys’ Section and also that we have introduced several new features. We print a most welcome letter from Mr. Webb, which will prove of interest to the Old Boys, if not to the present ones too.

Read the full magazine online.

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