Applications for Admission in 2022: 26 February – 26 March 2021 – view details online
Thursday 25 February 2021: Circular 9 – All Grades Return, Extra-Murals, and Cricket Update.
We are satisfied that the infection rate is low enough at present to allow all our boys back to school safely, and for WBHS to operate at 100% capacity. We would therefore like to inform you that as of Monday 1 March all boys are expected to be at school daily …
School will close at 14:55 on Mondays and Tuesdays as was the case before lockdown last year. There will be no change to Wednesday and Thursday closing times of 14:40 or the Friday closing time of 12:40 …
We must, regrettably with immediate effect, inform parents that no spectators at cricket practices or matches are permitted. According to the directive from the Department of Basic Education (DBE), cricket matches are allowed, but without spectators …
To read the full content, please download WBHS Circular 9 of 2021 as a PDF.