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COVID-19 Back to School & Online Learning

31 March 2020

Dear Parents & Guardians

Greetings to you all from the Wynberg Boys’ High Campus where all the resident staff are on lockdown along with the rest of the country. Those of us that live on campus are keeping an eye on the premises to make sure all the essential services remain operational and in good working order. I am pleased to report that all is well, and the campus can be fully operational as soon as we receive the green light from the relevant authorities to re-open.

Yesterday would have been the last day of the official March holiday and as of today all students would have been expected back at school. Because of the extended break announced before schools broke up last term, staff were asked to set meaningful work for all students to complete during this period. This work was communicated to the school community in an email sent out on 17 March. I hereby appeal to all our students to spend a few hours every day completing this work set by your teachers which is due for completion by 12 April.

Because of the lockdown announced by the President on Tuesday 24 March, schools will remain closed for an indefinite period. All indications are that the earliest possible date for re-opening will be 20 April although even this is doubtful. In order for meaningful schooling to continue, additional on-line work is being set by the relevant Subject Heads. This work along with instructions on how to access the work will be communicated to all parents and students by the Vice-Principal Academics, Mr Thompson, by Thursday 2 April. Please check your email for the relevant information.

Although it is becoming a bit of a cliched statement, we are living in unchartered waters at the moment. I want to assure all members of the Wynberg community that we will ensure that our boys receive the very best instruction possibly available during these uncertain times. It will however require a disciplined and structured approach at home from all our Wynberg families if distance learning is going to be effective.

Let’s all hope that the lockdown achieves the required result and that schooling can commence very soon. In the meantime, I wish you all good health.

Yours sincerely

Jan de Waal

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