Annual Raffle: All the Winners

Thursday 19 May 2022: A big thank you to all the Wynberg families for their generous support of the first School raffle since the pandemic. Our Wynberg families rose to the occasion with an outstanding response raising R 160 000 for the school.

While we suspended the raffle during 2020 and 2021 in respect of the tough economic effects on our community wrought by the Covid19 lockdowns, we felt that the time was right to re-introduce this All-in-for-Wynberg annual event this year: One of the traditions associated with the raffle has always been to engage with the boys as to how they felt the money should be spent. Over the years we’ve used funds raised to purchase, build, or initiate projects with long-term benefits for all our students – a prime example of this was the extension and upgrade to the Fish Bowl (the cafeteria) many years ago with money raised through the raffle.

In 2019 and 2020 the Prefects and RCL asked for a rain shelter near the front gate as well as better stands or seating for our boys on the Hawthornden field. This wish was not realised in 2020 but we are committed to using the raffle money raised in 2019 and 2022 to bring about these two improvements. Within the next few weeks and months, the boys should be able to see the fruits of their labour. The first supporters’ stand is near completion and the next three have been ordered. These will be paid for out of the money raised by the raffle.

Thank you for your part in paying forward so magnificently!

Peter van Schalkwyk
Deputy Headmaster

The Raffle was held jointly between Wynberg Boys’ High and Junior Schools, with the main prize open to all and second and third prizes separate to each school. Both schools shared equally in the awarding of all subsequent prizes. 

WBHS, Lovers Walk, Wynberg; Society Lottery Scheme is registered with National Lotteries Commission (Reg No. 00243/05)

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