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Wynberg Sportsmanship: Our Commitment to Positivism in Support

Thursday 26 April 2018: As teaching professionals, and as parents, we are role models to hundreds of boys. Boys observe our behaviour, take it on board and assimilate it, then tailor their own responses in human interaction. It is incumbent on us to set the example to all who play and watch our sport. This includes players, parents, old boys, spectators connected to our school, and our visitors.

  • Support your son and attend his matches, whatever side he’s in.
  • Always be there for him, especially in the ‘downtimes’.
  • By all means, set the bar for him – but always praise his achievements especially when he has tried hard to reach this bar.
  • Praise effort and commitment, much more than results.
  • Never criticise the coach, as it will confuse the players. It not only divides loyalty but offers an excuse. Don’t fall for the common sporting curse of blaming the coach or referee.
  • Never over-emphasise winning as it will only lead to a fear of failure. One of the curses of schoolboy sport is an unbeaten season.
  • Do not relive your own sporting career (or lack of it!) through your son. This leads to frustration and disappointment on both sides.
  • Be a true sporting spectator. Let the referee handle the game and let your son make his own mistakes. He will learn more that way.

It is Wynberg’s stated aim that through our actions, we will promote positive behaviour of all that support our teams and our opposition.

  • Coaches, parents, or players will neither openly question a refereeing decision, nor shout at the players or officials in an unseemly fashion.
  • Well-prepared teams do not need verbal instructions from coaches throughout their matches, especially not from a great distance.
  • Coaches and management will act immediately against parents and players who verbally abuse match officials and players. In the same way, we invite parents to point out coaches who act inappropriately.

Michael Engelbrecht
WBHS Vice-Principal, Sport

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