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Weekly Planner, Week Ending 6 June 2021

View the Flickr photos of Grade 11 Art Class

Monday 31 May

07:45 – 14:55 School Hours
10:00 Grade 10 Assembly (En)
10:30 Grade 11 Assembly (En)

Test Content

Grade 12 Economics Project due
Grade 10 Maths Class Test (All Euclidean Geometry)

Tuesday 1 June

07:45 – 14:55 School Hours

14:00 – 16:00 Accounting NSC Matric Rewrite 2020 (Venue Bill Bowden)

Test Content

Grade 12 Visual Art:
Theory Impression & Post Impressionism

Grade 11 English:
Essay (topics will be handed out a week before. Boys will write final in test period.)

Grade 10 Afrikaans:
Voorbereidende taaleksamen (studeer alle aspekte van taal)

Grade 10 IsiXhosa:
Revision session. Please note, assignment due.

Grade 9 English:
Transactional writing

Grade 8 English:
Transactional writing

Wednesday 2 June

07:45 – 14:40 School Hours
10:00 Tutor Period Prefect Voting

18:00 Online Concert – Wynberg Media YouTube Streaming

Thursday 3 June

07:45 – 14:40 School Hours
09:00 – 12:00 Electrical Technology (Electronics) NSC Matric Rewrite 2020 (Venue Bill Bowden)
10:00 Grade 8 Assembly (En)
10:30 Grade 9 Assembly (En)

Test Content

Grade 12 Maths teaching period

Grade 12 Maths Literacy, Revision of Basic Skills:
Topic 1: Finance (Leave out Taxation and Tariffs)
Topic 2: Measurement
Topic 3: Maps, Plans, and other representations of the physical world. Only include: Compass directions; Grid referencing and Calculations working with ratio scales

Grade 11 Visual Art:
Theory Impression and Post Impressionism

Grade 10 IT Practical Test:
Creating a coded solution for a specific scenario – include all coding done on Delphi
Eg. Coding calculations (on a button), using variables (declare, assign, initialise), Components (all covered including buttons, edit boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, spin edits, labels, rich edit for output, etc) and their attributes/properties (e.g. typecasting between string and integer and String and float (and vice versa) conditional statements (if, if then, if then else, else if, and testing against a condition, e.g. true, >, <=etc), compiling and error checking.

Grade 9 Technology:
Electronics: 9A – Will work on PAT and Worksheet – open book to work through.
Electronics: 9C – PAT soldering/worksheet. In E12.
Construction: 9B & D – Online prepared lesson video. Will need devices.
Drones: 9E & F – Will be working on PAT
EGD: 9G – PAT work in E14.

Grade 8 Afrikaans:
Opstel (20)
No dictionary or handbook allowed

Grade 8 IsiXhosa
Khetha umhlathana omfutshane ubemnye omfutshane kulena iyakube ikhutshiwe ephepheni

  • Ileta yaseburhulumenteni (ileta yesicelo/okanyenye ileta yesikhalazo)
  • Udliwano ndlebe
  • Isibhengezo ntengiso
  • Ipowusta
  • Inqaku lepheph-ndaba
  • Inqaku lemagazini

Friday 4 June

07:45 – 12:40 School Hours
14:00 – 17:00 Mathematics NSC Matric Rewrite 2020 (Venue TBA)

Saturday 5 June

Sunday 6 June

Standing Arrangements



15:00 – 16:00 Grade 10 Support Maths, B31
Maths Academic Institute, D12
Grade 12 Support IT, B24


07:00 Concert Band, Ct Nussbaum

1st Break:
Choir – Tenors Hh/Kg, Nussbaum
Brass sectional/Jazz Band, AMC 5
String Ensemble (C van Breda), Class Prefab
Pipe Band Practice, C11

15:00 – 16:30 Pipe Band Practice, C11


07:00 – 07:40 Sandwich Drive, C32
07:15 Prefect Meeting, D31

1st Break
Sandwich Collection, SHD
MSA Core Committee, C32

2nd Break
Sandwich Collection, SHD
Glebe Committee Meeting, D21
Hawthornden Committee Meeting, C33
McNaughton Committee Meeting, D25
Oude Wijnberg Committee Meeting, B31
Trovato Committee Meeting, D32
Silverhurst Committee Meeting, D34
Sunninghill Committee Meeting, D31



15:00 – 16:00 Bridging the Gap, C22
16:00 – 17:00 Grade 8 Maths Reflective learning (online), MS Teams


07:00 Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum

1st Break
Choir – Basses Hh/Kg, Nussbaum/AMC 5
Flute Ensemble (D Holder), Class Prefab
Learner Pipers, C11

15:00 – 16:30 Steel Band (D. Reynolds), Perc. Prefab
15:45 – 16:15 Learner Drummers, C11


1st Break
Christian Union Committee, E14

2nd Break
Academic Committee, D33


15:00 – 16:00 Grade 11 Support Maths, B31
15:00 – 16:00 Bridging the Gap, C22


07:00 Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum

1st Break
Vocal Ensemble Tenor 1 Kg, Nussbaum
Vocal Ensemble Bass Hg, Nussbaum
Saxophone Sectional/Jazz band, Nussbaum

15:00 – 16:30 Pipe Band Practice, C11
15:00 – 16:30 Chess, Library


1st Break:
Senior Grades Committee, C33
First Aid Meeting, C34
Sports Committee, D21

2nd Break:
Matric Committee, D31
Cultural Committee, AMC
Culture Core Committee, Nussbaum



15:00 – 16:00 Bridging the Gap, C22
16:00 – 17:00 Grade 9 Maths Reflective learning (online), MS Teams
Maths Academic Institute, D12


06:45 – 07:30 Rhythm Sectional, AMC 5
07:00 – Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum

Full Choir Hh/Kg, Nussbaum

2nd Break:
Vocal Ensemble Tenor 1 Kg, Class Prefab
Vocal Ensemble Baritone Hg, Nussbaum

14:45 – 16:00 Learner Pipers, C11
14:45 -16:45 Vocal Ensemble Kg/Hh, Nussbaum


1st Break:
Junior Committee, C21
MSA General Committee, C32

2nd Break:
Christian Union, E14



06:45 – 07:45 Jazz Band Vk, Nussbaum
07:00 Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum
13:30 – 15:00 Pipe Band (Selected) practice, C11
13:45 – 15:15 Steel Band (D. Reynolds), Prefab
14:00 – 17:00 Chess Matches, Library

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