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Weekly Planner, Week Ending 30 May 2021

Watch the Online Music Concert on YouTube

Monday 24 May

07:45 – 14:55 School Hours
10:00 Assembly – Grades 8 + 12 of GL, HW, LI, MN
10:30 Assembly – Grades 8 + 12 of SL, SU, TR, WJ

Tuesday 25 May

07:45 – 14:55 School Hours

Test Content

Grade 12 Accounting Lesson (No Test)

Grade 12 Music:
PAT 1 – Concert Performance

Grade 11 Life Science:

  • Photosynthesis
  • Nutrition in animals
  • Animal biodiversity
  • Plant biodiversity
  • Photosynthesis

Grade 10 Afrikaans:
Literatuurtaak – Gedig

Grade 10 IsiXhosa:
Literature assignment – Isekwe kwisicatshulwa

Qwalasela oku kulandelayo:

  • Ulwazi gabalala ngempixano yebali.
  • Oko abalinganiswa baxhwiithana ngako ebalini.
  • Waza amanqanaba esakhiwo sebali
  • Zazi iindidi zabalingiswa ebalini kwakunye neempawu zabo.
  • Intsingiselo yamagama asebalini.

Grade 9 EMS:
Posting to the Bank Account and Accounting equation
The test will be completed on a word document. Devices are needed.

Grade 8 Creative Arts:
Visual Art:

  • Drawing Practical – learners will be drawing a shoe (picture will be given in test). Please bring a pencil, ruler, eraser and pencil crayons


  • Dance Fit Video Assessment (Practical task)
  • Learners assessed on Participation and Execution

Music KARG:

  • Barlines
  • Time signatures
  • Scales (C, G, D)
  • Musical terms (last terms plus new on Pg 27)
  • Rests
  • Tones and Semitones
  • Tied notes
  • Dotted notes
  • Accidentals
  • Key signatures

Music VAN WYK:

  • Scales (Writing scales ascending, descending or both. With and without key signature. Writing scales in different rhythms.)
  • Musical terms
  • Tones and Semitones
  • Ties, dots, bars, and bar lines
  • Key signatures (Identifying key signatures, writing out key signatures of major scales.)

Wednesday 26 May

07:45 – 14:40 School Hours
10:00 Tutor Period

Grade 12 LO Project due on Moodle

Thursday 27 May

07:45 – 14:40 School Hours
10:00 House Assembly

Test Content

Grade 12 IT:
OOP – Units and Objects (Classes)

Grade 11 Afrikaans:
Literatuurtaak: Gedig

Grade 11 IsiXhosa:
Literature assignment – Isekwe kwisicatshulwa

Qwalasela oku kulandelayo:

  • Ulwazi gabalala ngempixano yebali.
  • Oko abalinganiswa baxhwiithana ngako ebalini.
  • Waza amanqanaba esakhiwo sebali
  • Zazi iindidi zabalingiswa ebalini kwakunye neempawu zabo.
  • Intsingiselo yamagama asebalini.

Grade 10 Music:

  • Scales
  • Key signatures
  • Intervals and Inversions
  • Technical Names
  • Chord structure: Major/Minor/Diminished/Augmented
  • Chords in both a Major Scale and a Minor Scale
  • Chord Identification
  • Chord Writing
  • Alto Clef
  • Transposition

The GMK component:

  • Afrikaans Music and Boeremusiek: Pages 48 – 51 and additional notes
  • Moppies and Ghoemas: Pages 52 – 53 and additional notes
  • Indian Music: Read only page 60 from where Indian music starts and then read pages 66 to 68.
  • Indian Music: Pictures of Indian Instruments

Grade 9 Geography (50 Mark Test)

  • Textbook pages: 24-29
  • Social, economic, and environmental development
  • GDP (and GDP per capita)
  • Human development index
  • Brandt line
  • Literacy rates

Grade 8 History: Essay Writing Test (20 Marks 1 Hour)

  • Lesson 1: The religion of Islam and The Muslim Caliphate
  • Lesson 2: The Holy War
  • Lesson 3: The Arab Achievement

Friday 28 May

07:45 – 12:40 School Hours
13:00 Staff Development

Saturday 29 May

Sunday 30 May

Standing Arrangements



15:00 – 16:00 Grade 10 Support Maths, B31
Maths Academic Institute, D12
Grade 12 Support IT, B24


07:00 Concert Band, Ct Nussbaum

1st Break:
Choir – Tenors Hh/Kg, Nussbaum
Brass sectional/Jazz Band, AMC 5
String Ensemble (C van Breda), Class Prefab
Pipe Band Practice, C11

15:00 – 16:30 Pipe Band Practice, C11


07:00 – 07:40 Sandwich Drive, C32
07:15 Prefect Meeting, D31

1st Break
Sandwich Collection, SHD
MSA Core Committee, C32

2nd Break
Sandwich Collection, SHD
Glebe Committee Meeting, D21
Hawthornden Committee Meeting, C33
McNaughton Committee Meeting, D25
Oude Wijnberg Committee Meeting, B31
Trovato Committee Meeting, D32
Silverhurst Committee Meeting, D34
Sunninghill Committee Meeting, D31



15:00 – 16:00 Bridging the Gap, C22
16:00 – 17:00 Grade 8 Maths Reflective learning (online), MS Teams


07:00 Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum

1st Break
Choir – Basses Hh/Kg, Nussbaum/AMC 5
Flute Ensemble (D Holder), Class Prefab
Learner Pipers, C11

15:00 – 16:30 Steel Band (D. Reynolds), Perc. Prefab
15:45 – 16:15 Learner Drummers, C11


1st Break
Christian Union Committee, E14

2nd Break
Academic Committee, D33


15:00 – 16:00 Grade 11 Support Maths, B31
15:00 – 16:00 Bridging the Gap, C22


07:00 Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum

1st Break
Vocal Ensemble Tenor 1 Kg, Nussbaum
Vocal Ensemble Bass Hg, Nussbaum
Saxophone Sectional/Jazz band, Nussbaum

15:00 – 16:30 Pipe Band Practice, C11
15:00 – 16:30 Chess, Library


1st Break:
Senior Grades Committee, C33
First Aid Meeting, C34
Sports Committee, D21

2nd Break:
Matric Committee, D31
Cultural Committee, AMC
Culture Core Committee, Nussbaum



15:00 – 16:00 Bridging the Gap, C22
16:00 – 17:00 Grade 9 Maths Reflective learning (online), MS Teams
Maths Academic Institute, D12


06:45 – 07:30 Rhythm Sectional, AMC 5
07:00 – Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum

Full Choir Hh/Kg, Nussbaum

2nd Break:
Vocal Ensemble Tenor 1 Kg, Class Prefab
Vocal Ensemble Baritone Hg, Nussbaum

14:45 – 16:00 Learner Pipers, C11
14:45 -16:45 Vocal Ensemble Kg/Hh, Nussbaum


1st Break:
Junior Committee, C21
MSA General Committee, C32

2nd Break:
Christian Union, E14



06:45 – 07:45 Jazz Band Vk, Nussbaum
07:00 Concert Band Ct, Nussbaum
13:30 – 15:00 Pipe Band (Selected) practice, C11
13:45 – 15:15 Steel Band (D. Reynolds), Prefab
14:00 – 17:00 Chess Matches, Library

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