Cricket vs Old Boys: View the photos on Flickr – 2nd XI Album 1 || 2nd XI Album 2 || 1st XI
Monday 26 February, Hours 07:40 to 14:35
10:00 Assembly (Sc) Blood donation talk scheduled
15:00 – 18:30 Senior IH Summer Sport
18:00 Neighbours’ Function – Bill Bowden Pavilion
Tuesday 27 February, Hours 07:40 – 13:25 (Early closing to accommodate the Junior Athletics Quadrangular)
Period 10 falls away
07:40 Tutor
07:45 Period 4
08:15 Period 5
08:45 Period 6
09:15 Period 8
09:45 Period 9
10:15 Break
10:45 Period 7
11:15 Period 11
11:45 Period 12
12:15 Test Period
13:25 School closes
13:00 – 17:00 WPPS Pentangular on our fields
17:00 All-in-4-Wynberg Water Polo (Garrison and Silverhurst) at SACS
Test Period
Grade 12 History (50 Marks)
- Civil Rights Movement
- Source Based Questions
Grade 11 Geography (60 Marks)
- Earth’s Energy Balance
- Global Air Circulation (Tri-Cellular Model)
- Atmospheric Temperature, Pressure and Wind (Geostrophic Balance)
- Local Air Movement (Monsoons and Foehn winds)
- African Climate
- Subsidence and Convergence (Africa)
- Role of Ocean Currents (Africa)
Grade 10 Accounting
- Cash Receipts Journal
- Cash Payments Journal
- Debtors (DJ, DAJ, CRJ)
- Posting DJ, DAJ and CRJ to the Debtors’ Ledger
- Internal control over debtors
- Posting all journals to the General Ledger
- Accounting equation
Grade 9 Geography
- Map and Photo Interpretation
- Identifying features on a map
- Contour lines and associated features
- Cross-sections
- Calculate Distance
Grade 8 Natural Sciences
- Lab safety and Lab equipment
- Scientific method
- Representing data
Wednesday 28 February, Hours 07:40 – 12:35 (Early closing to accommodate the Athletics Quadrangular at Bishops)
07:40 Tutor
08:00 Period 2
08:30 Period 3
09:00 Period 4
09:30 Period 5
10:00 Period 7
10:30 Break
11:00 Period 8
11:30 Period 9
12:00 Period 10
12:30 Tutor
12:35 School closes
14:00 All-in-4-Wynberg Quadrangular at Bishops
Thursday 29 February, Hours 07:40 to 14:35
07:40 Test Period
10:00 Wednesday Period 12
Test Period
Grade 12 Maths
Grade 12 Maths Lit
Investigation: Finance, including Taxation
Grade 11 Economics
- FOPs
- Circular Flow, National Accounts
- Types of economies
Grade 10 Accounting Lesson
Grade 9 Technology
EGD (Need device and earphones)
- Orthographic to Isometric
DigiTech (Will need device charged)
- Computer Olympiad and typing test.
- Series and Parallel circuits calculations
- Resistor colour coding and
- Symbols
- Multiple Choice
- Foundation theory
- Masonry and concrete mixing
- Levers
- Pullies drawing, labelling and calculations.
- Gears labelling and calculations.
Grade 8 English HL (50 marks)
- Written Formative
- Grade 8 Module 1
Friday 1 March, Hours 07:40 to 12:35
12:45 – Test Period
13:00 Staff Development – Winter Sport
13:00 – 18:00 CT Metro Chess, Hall
Saturday 2 March
Cricket vs SACS
13:00 – 18:00 CT Metro Chess, Hall