Read the 2020 WBHS School Magazine Online
Tuesday 18 May 2021: WBHS proudly presents our 2020 School Magazine. Grade 9 – 12 students have been given a print edition each, with copies for the Matrics of 2020 available for collection from School Reception. This 2020 Vision/ 2020 Reflection publication is a celebration of our Supera Moras Spirit and a positive look back at a testing year, and available online.
Extract from Ms Courtney Wallace’s Editor’s Report:
As 2020 opened, “2020 Vision” echoed through the halls of Wynberg and through the passages of Social Media as the unspoken motto of the year. Little did we know in Term 1 that it would prove exceptionally challenging but also exceptionally apt in the year to follow …
… I hope that when you are reading this years from now, when possibly another enemy threatens this institution, that you can learn from its lessons. I hope for us all that the pages allow you to reflect on what was and what can be as a result. Our eyes must, of course, always be on the future, but this is only strengthened and advanced by looking back.
For more information, or to request a print copy, please email