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WBHS Magazine 2019

Read the 2019 WBHS School Magazine online

Tuesday 17 November 2020: WBHS takes great pleasure in presenting our 2019 School Magazine – current students have received the print edition via their tutor groups, with copies for the Matrics of 2019 available for collection from School Reception.  This edition, a complete record of the 2019 school year, is also available online.

Extract from Ms Courtney Wallace’s Editor’s Report:

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve

Read the WBHS 2019 School Magazine onlineWynberg boys are special. There is no doubt about it. In fact, Mr de Waal, himself, admitted this to the boys when he addressed them in an assembly. “You are the ordinary Joes; the everyday heroes,” he said. Simple … matter of fact … and true. It was these words that sparked life into this magazine and it is these words that inspired the theme. Our boys are heroes; not because they save lives but because they strive (with grit) to be better than the boys that they were in days prior.

This magazine is later than intended. I hope it is worth it. Little did we know that 2020 would bring a vastly different enemy, one that tested our heroism a little more than bargained for and delayed our usual processes … but more about that in 2020’s magazine. For now, I hope this time-travel back to 2019 has reminded you of just how powerful we, as an institution, are and just how truly proud we can be of our boys.

Enjoy the read. The heroism is everywhere. It speaks for itself and you do not even have to look for too long.

For more information, or to request a print copy, please email



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