Read the 1967 WBHS School Magazine online
Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1967 School Magazine.
From Senior School Notes in the Magazine :
A few years ago the Magazine Editorial contained a suggestion that academic blues and colours be created to serve as an incentive to scholastic boys. This is an excellent idea, though one cannot help feeling that not only the academic, but also the cultural sphere need more recognition in our school – and, indeed, our everyday lives.
What we must strive after in our school life is perfect harmony between the sporting, the academic and the cultural. The school that shows an unnatural bias toward academic success alone does not have a balanced outlook; likewise the school which places excessive emphasis on sport. Almost inevitably, however, in the struggle for supremacy between the classroom and the rugby field, the third member of the trinity, culture, is pushed aside.