Read the 1965 WBHS School Magazine online
Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1965 School Magazine.
The welcome to 10th Headmaster of WBHS, Mr Neville Blackbeard:
Over seventy years have gone by since first our school occupied its present site and in all this time the senior school has had only three headmasters. This year has been marked by the arrival of Mr. Neville Blackbeard who came from Selborne College to take the helm at Wynberg and it is our pleasure to bid him a very hearty welcome.
The advent of a new headmaster is inevitably preceded by a measure of speculation and a sense of anticipation regarding traditions to be maintained and changes to be effected.
Mr. Blackbeard arrived at the beginning of the second term and very soon established a good rapport with both staff and boys. Quietly spoken, friendly in manner yet possessed of a firm sense of discipline, he has quickly evolved the pattern around which he proposes to run the school.
A tennis player of some note, he is none the less interested in all forms of sport. He has held the rank of captain in his school’s cadet detachment and over a period of years has played leading roles in numerous Gilbert and Sullivan productions. He has come to us with a reputation both as a teacher and administrator and we look forward to many good years under his guidance and, in her sphere, that of Mrs. Blackbeard, whose charming presence will lend grace to the hostel.