WBHS Magazine 1955

Read the 1955 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1955 School Magazine.

From Mr Harry Arguile’s Magazine Editorial:

Our dreams continue to come true, the latest of these to materialise being the Memorial Swimming Bath. All we need now to make us completely happy – for the present – is the new Boarding House, on which we hope work will begin in the near future, and those additional playing fields for which we are still searching and which still remain our most urgent need. In the last decade our enrolment has almost doubled itself, and to meet the extra-mural needs of this increased enrolment we need more Rugby fields, more Cricket pitches, more Tennis courts. Furthermore, even turf needs a complete rest from time to time, and, while our Grounds Committee are doing an excellent job in maintaining our present grounds in such good condition, the fields cannot be expected to stand up indefinitely to the hard wear to which they are being necessarily subjected at present. This is a matter which is exercising our minds very much, and we hope we shall soon be able to find a solution to this problem.

Read the full magazine online.

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