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WBHS Magazine 1946

Read the 1946 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1946 School Magazine.

Magazine Editorial:

To scholars and teachers alike the last term betokens the end of a year. For us the year 1946 is over, and we look back upon four terms of constructive work within and outside the classroom. As to the future, we hope soon to improve the amenities in our school. For one thing scholars will enjoy the use of an improved library, and to that end a large number of books will be purchased in the new year.

But to look beyond the immediate school horizon we see a troubled world yet writhing after a terrible war, and we are reminded that many pupils will shortly leave the seclusion of school life to play a part in this turbulent scene. They have our very good wishes. May their efforts in after-life help to promote a happier state of affairs than exists to-day.

Read the full magazine online.

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