WBHS Magazine 1934

Read the 1934 WBHS School Magazine online

Courtesy of the WBHS Archives in the Oude Wijnberg Museum – the digital copy of the 1934 School Magazine (June edition).

From the Old Boys’ Page in the Magazine:

The Annual General Meeting was held in the School Hall on 6th June at 8 p.m. Mr. M. Ackerman presided over a gathering of 43 members and the School Fifteen. In the afternoon the Old Boys had defeated the School by 27 to 13 and had then shared the honours with them at a delightful supper in the Boarding-house. After the presidential resumé of the year’s activities and the Secretary’s and the Treasurer’s reports had been read, the officebearers were elected …

Mr. R. Felbert congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Clegg and the School Committee on the final acquisition of the grounds. Mr. Clegg suggested that the Union express their gratitude to Mr. A. Friedlander, who had interested the merchants of Wynberg and secured their magnificent support, and had conducted the negotiations with the Provincial Council …

A motion, that effort be made to find a suitable school song, was referred to the incoming committee …

Read the full magazine online.

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