Take-Home Hot Meal Menu, Wednesday 12 – Friday 14 April 23

Tuesday 4 April 23: The weekly take-home hot meal opportunity by Feedem, our WBHS caterers of choice. Daily meals for the school week ahead, based on a set menu, may be ordered up to 24 hours in advance at the advertised price of R42 per serving.

Please email for orders and payment/collection details during business hours:

Bank details for EFT payments:

Feedem Group
Account number: 62032302573
Branch code: 201510
Reference: Take Home Meals

Please email POP:

Find out more about the TapTuck appOr use the Tap-Tuck app in use cross-campus at Feedem Tuckshops. Find out more online.


Chicken Cordon Bleu served with Savoury Rice & Roast Vegetables


Moroccan Beef Stew served with Couscous & Beetroot


Chicken Stir-Fry served with Pasta & salad

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