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Music Excellence, Damian Philander, ARSM

Damian Philander, Associate of the Royal Schools of Music

Monday 14 October 24: This morning marked a very rare occasion where we were delighted to award a school boy an Associateship Diploma, something usually only achieved during tertiary study.

Damian Philander passed his Associate Diploma in piano performance through the Royal Schools of Music. This is a qualification beyond the well-known system of graded music examinations, where Grade 8 is the final examination in the system.

Deon Scheepers, Damian Philander, and Richard HaighIt is a monumental achievement and the end result of countless hours in the practice room. To achieve this qualification, Damian had to present a 40-minute piano recital at the highest standard of performance.

As an Associate of the Royal Schools of Music, Damian is entitled to wear an academic gown and append the letters ARSM after his name.

We were pleased to have his parents in attendance at the Awards Ceremony in the Clegg Hall this morning and thank them for their tremendous support of Damian’s musical journey.

Damian is a pupil of Mr Richard Haigh, Head of Music. He is also the Leader of the Concert Band and an avid Trombonist, serving the Concert Band and Jazz Band. He is a member of the school Choir and distinguished himself as the pianist for this year’s production of Grease. Outside of school, Damian is the Organist and Choirmaster of St. Martin’s Anglican Church, Bergvliet.

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