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Meet the Wynberg Music Staff: Mr Jonathan Chuter

Thursday 12 May 2022: The fourth in our series of ‘Meet our Music Staff’ – Mr Jonathan Chuter.

Jonathan began piano lessons at the age of 7 at Rondebosch Boys’ Preparatory School (RBPS). While singing along in his piano lesson he was promptly pushed into the school choir! Clarinet followed at the age of 9 but was quickly exchanged for the Saxophone which has become his instrument of choice. At 15 Jonathan joined his church youth band as a guitarist and bass guitar followed a few years later. He matriculated at Rondebosch Boys’ High School in 2014 having been heavily involved in the life of its music department and taking music as a Matric subject.

As a versatile musician, Jonathan decided to formally study the subject and enrolled in a B. Mus (Jazz Performance) degree at UCT. This was followed by a PGCE. He graduated in 2018 and 2021 respectively. During his studies, periods of part-time teaching included stints at Bergvliet Primary and RBPS. Part-time teaching at Wynberg Boys’ High under Brian Botha followed between 2018-2019. He then took up a position at Muizenberg High School where recently he was promoted to Head of Music.

Upon the departure of Mr Ben van Wyk in March this year, Jonathan took up the position of full-time music teacher at WBHS, specializing in woodwind teaching, subject music work, and conducting the Jazz Band.

His hobbies include sound engineering – which he has practised as a sideline – and gaming which he got into during the initial lockdown, noting that he has met some very ‘interesting’ people, both local and international through this medium.

We welcome Jonathan to Wynberg and hope he has a long and happy stay with us.

A #WynbergMedia article, with grateful thanks to Mr Richard Haigh.

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