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McNaughton House Pyjama Project

Thursday 4 May 2022: As part of our service project for 2022, McNaughton partnered with the SA Children’s Home in Gardens, Cape Town, for their 2022 Pyjamas project. The aim of this project was to ensure that each boy and girl who lives in the home have at least one set of warm pyjamas for the winter months. 

One of our house members, Naas Beets, initiated and lead this project with support from McNaughton House Head, Mrs Renete Spammer, as well as the following grade 11s Jaren Erasmus, Alexander Masters-Kay, Michael Cresswell, and Nic Balden. It was wonderful to see how the entire house came together to collect money to buy the pyjamas. We spent a day shopping to ensure we got the right sizes for all the children.  The pyjamas were delivered to the children on Thursday, 4 May. The delivery team was greeted by 37 very excited boys and girls. It was amazing to see their gratitude and how excited each child was to receive their small gift.

We would like to thank the McNaughton parents who supported us by contributing financially. McNaughton hopes to continue our relationship with the Children’s Home and is already planning another project for the third term.

Below are a few pictures of some of the boys and girls in their new pyjamas (to protect their privacy we have not taken any photos of their faces).

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