Engineering & Design Faculty, Phase 2 Complete: The Illustrated Report

Friday 18 December 2020: With just under a fortnight until the year-end, contractors are finishing up on Phase 2 of the Engineering & Design Faculty, and the site is being tidied, spruced up, and readied for the start of the 2021 academic year.

This illustrated report on the last three months, from the final pouring of concrete signaling the end of the construction phase, the expressive brickwork cladding on the facades, the completion of glazing, through to returning the site from a hive of construction activity to a ready-to-use academic facility is succinctly recorded by our School Governing Body representative for Amenities, Mrs. Georgie Borgstrom, who states: “This project would not have been possible without the generosity of Old Boys, the Fund a Brick campaign, our amazing donors, our Wynberg parents & guardians, and our boys.”

Thank you all for continuing to invest in the future of education – this project has one more phase to completion, scheduled to commence in July 2021. Headmaster, Jan de Waal: “This includes the full fitting-out of the top floor housing the Technology and Visual Arts Departments, the construction of essential ablution and office spaces, the lift, completion of the bridge, and other finishes. The commencement of this phase is dependent on us raising the final R3.5 Million needed to complete the project. “

Find out how to pledge donations, view the donor challenges, and see the list of those who’ve already contributed.

Fund a Brick

The Illustrated Report: October to December 2020

14 – 18 December: Almost there, tidying up underway, and the site office container is gone. 

Close-ups of the brickwork and the polished concrete flooring give an indication of the finer finishes of the project.

Shadow and light play across the brickwork in this black & white rendering of the newly constructed wing.

Three months of developing views from the site entrance from Herschel Walk: 6th, 12th, and 20th of October

3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th of November

1st, 14th and 18th of December

View of the new classrooms – the building progress from October to 18th December

The west facade facing Herschel Walk being closed up and the detailed brickwork taking form. WBHS is incredibly grateful to Corobrick for their donation towards creating this incredible building for future generations of Wynberg Men!

The new brickwork and windows on the facade of the original E Block, viewed from the parking area adjacent to the basketball courts and the John Baxter Amphitheatre; and a westward view from the back parking area capturing the painted brick creating a more uniform face and delivering a crisp new element to the school.

The evolution of the ground floor classroom from a shell to a functional teaching space – October to 18th December.

The first floor art space emerges – October to 18th December.

Creating new connections between the school and the Engineering & Design Faculty: this bridge links the first floor of E Block to the upper level corridor alongside the Clegg Hall. This will provide staff quick access from the admin/office corridor and help alleviate congestion of students moving between classrooms during the school day.

Driving behind the pump truck on its way to the site for the last concrete pour; Herschel Walk congestion as the arrival of the concrete mixer clashes with the after-school collection of students. Neighbours, commuters, and Wynberg families must surely be breathing sighs of relief that the disruptions are over! And the moment the concrete comes out the hose for the final ring beams for the art floor.

The view from the Trovato Link approach along Herschel Walk.

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