Engineering & Design Faculty Illustrated Building Progress, July 2020

Wednesday 29 July 2020: Just over a month ago, the Engineering and Design Faculty Project Manager, Doug Gordon of Brite Projects, gave us a detailed look at the progress being made after the stop-start delays forced by the national lockdown. The report, available in Headmaster Jan de Waal’s previous EDF Newsletter, listed some of the specifics the team would be undertaking during July, and we’re pleased to be able to publish the latest developments as recorded in Mrs Georgie Borgstrom’s project report to the School Governing Body.

Progress as of Tuesday 7 July 2020

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 7 July 2020
Panorama from temporary fire escape stairs looking into new classrooms/labs
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 7 July 2020
Curved concrete wall nears completion; Concrete columns facing the courtyard areas toward the bridge passage linking E Block to the Clegg Hall

Progress as of Tuesday 14 July 2020

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 14 July 2020
View from the site entrance to the Matric Quad via the bus stop on Herschel Walk – the blue pipes in the columns are to funnel rainwater from the roof to the storm water drainage system.
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 14 July 2020
Panorama view of teaching space with form work for the first floor slab.
 Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 14 July 2020
Preparing the form work for 1st floor slab (left); Scaffolding for brick work cladding and replacing the windows (right).
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 14 July 2020
Panorama of building from corner at the Herschel Walk entrance. The curved area in the foreground shows the new outer edge of E Block.

Progress as of Tuesday 21 July 2020

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 21 July 2020
View from the site entrance to the Matric Quad via the bus stop on Herschel Walk
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 21 July 2020
Reinforcing for the raft concrete slab on new portion facing Herschel Walk – this portion will have escape stairs & store rooms (left). Setting up the reinforcing on the first floor deck (right).
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 21 July 2020
Panorama of the teaching space with form work for first floor slab, with the deck now in place.
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 21 July 2020
Detail samples of the brickwork cladding (left). Setting out detailed brickwork commences (right).

Progress as of Monday 27 July 2020

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 27 July 2020
View from the site entrance to the Matric Quad via the bus stop on Herschel Walk – the pump hose can be seen in the top left quarter of the picture.
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 27 July 2020
Panorama of the teaching space with form work for the first floor slab while deck is being cast.
Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 27 July 2020
Pouring of the concrete, then being agitated to remove any air pockets and smoothed to create the floor surface.
The pump & mixer truck can be seen in the background (left). Cube concrete samples to be sent off for testing: samples from every load of concrete delivered to the site are sent for testing to ascertain that the concrete MPa (strength) is as specified (right).
Slab cast on escape stair & store portion facing Herschel Walk (left).Reinforcing for raft concrete slab on the new portion for the hoist lift & extension to ablutions on the parking area adjacent the amphitheatre & store rooms (right).

A #WynbergMedia article with thanks to Mrs Georgie Borgstrom.

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