Engineering & Design Faculty Illustrated Building Progress, August 2020

View photos on Flickr of the building progress during August 2020

Tuesday 18 August 2020: Notwithstanding the Cape winter making its presence felt, construction progress remains on schedule for Phase 2 of the Engineering and Design Faculty. Our thanks to School Governing Body representative, Mrs Georgie Borgstrom, for bringing us up to date with her latest illustrated report.

With building progress beginning to reflect the architect’s impression of the completed project, Headmaster Mr Jan de Waal described the final stage of the massive fund raising efforts required for our ‘EDF‘ to become a reality. In a video filmed on site on 3 August, Mr de Waal revealed that while over R21 million in project donations had been secured, WBHS was excited to announce the Fund a Brick project toward the final building costs: “While donations to date have typically been between R50 000 and R5 million, Fund a Brick is a way to donate any amount upwards of R25  to be part of this legacy project contributing to education at Wynberg, and indeed South Africa.”

Find out how to pledge donations, view the donor challenges, and see the list of those who’ve already contributed.

Fund a Brick

Progress as of Tuesday 4 August 2020

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020

View from the site entrance to the Matric Quad via the bus stop on Herschel Walk – Reinforcing in place & the scaffolding is being erected so that the form work for the first floor curved wall can be placed.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020Panorama view of ground floor teaching space with form work for the first floor slab.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020Top view of the new cast first floor deck.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020Reinforcing for the hoist lift on the east facade – the boxed timber is the form work for the lift sump pump. Cages in the background are for columns to support the new slab for the ablutions.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020View from Herschel Walk: Reinforced concrete wall shuttering for the escape stair & store portion.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020View of building opposite the basketball courts: Detailed brickwork started for the windows

Progress as of Tuesday 11 August 2020

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020

View from the site entrance to the Matric Quad via the bus stop on Herschel Walk – The form work stripped from the underside of the first floor slab and ready to be removed from site.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 4 August 2020

Panorama view of ground floor teaching space with form work for first floor slab – where the form work has been removed, the slab remains propped for a minimum of 21 days. Steel columns have been erected on the first floor to support the new glazed curtain wall.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 11 August 2020

Propping of slab after removal of form work.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 11 August 020

Panorama of newly cast first floor slab: Teaching space with form work on the first floor slab – columns to the west facade have been cast & the steel columns on the east facade are in place.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 11 August 2020Temporary fire escape stairs to the new first floor which will house the art studio.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 11 August 2020Gutters and eaves have been cut back to allow for the new roof slab of the art studio to be tied into the existing building. Additional heavy duty plastic being affixed to protect the building from the inclement Cape winter weather.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 11 August 2020
Safety essentials – barrier will remain in place until the brickwork can be completed separating the art studio & the new fire escape stairs.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 11 August 2020
Progress on the lift shaft.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 11 August 2020
Scaffolding for detailed brick work cladding, covering the old and creating new window openings. Original face brick painted over to ‘disappear’ unobtrusively behind the completed new brickwork cladding.

Progress as of Tuesday 18 August 2020Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020

View from the site entrance to the Matric Quad via the bus stop on Herschel Walk – after a week of heavy rain and bitter cold.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020
Left: Site foreman, Riedor (white hard hat), looking over the plans. Right: Pump truck completed pumping of concrete into first floor curved wall.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020
Panorama of teaching spaces with form work for roof slab ring beams.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020
View up the stairs from the car park area under the covered walkway linking the school to E block. The timber planks on the face brick steps as protection against transporting of building materials.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020
Form work & scaffolding going up for the roof slab ring beams.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020The open space is where the escape stairs will be constructed.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020
Lift shaft & store taking shape – more concrete has been cast around the lift shaft as well as a column in the store to support the floor slab for the new ablution area. The column is wrapped in plastic to ensure that the concrete cures correctly.

Engineering & Design Faculty Progress, 18 August 2020

Excellent progress on the brick work detail, with the installation of the new windows anticipated before the end of August.

A #WynbergMedia article with thanks to Mrs Georgie Borgstrom.

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