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Charity Week: Thanks for Your Generosity!

Friday 29 October 2021: Wynberg Boys’ High School Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) would like to express its sincere gratitude for the efforts made in making our first Charity Week such a great success!

From bringing the boys together to share a meal, to the cheering corridors as the staff walked squeezed into their old school uniforms, to the boys pushing donations to see their tutors and teachers meet their pledges to shave or dye their hair; all in the name of benefiting orphans and needy youth around the world. It’s been a week we as a school can be proud of. Throughout this week former Headmaster Mr Keith Richardson’s 2014 speech was alluded to as it was by the 2021 Valedictory guest speaker, Mr Hishaam Davids, as well as by Mr Pete van Schalkwyk in the school’s first full Assembly in eighteen months on Monday; it is these initiatives and efforts which make us a ‘significant school’.

Your Share for their Hair!With a general charity donation, the giver may bring short-term benefits to someone. What makes your contribution to Charity Week significant is your donation will be a continuous benefit. In this way, the Wynberg family will remain in the ongoing service of others, something we have always aimed to do.

With the help of the Wynberg Community, we managed to raise R22 718 !

Thank you to all teachers, tutors, parents, and boys who bought into this initiative and made it a success. May your efforts be the means of generations of ease to others and may you be gifted with an abundance of goodness.

Use the poster to see those staff who will now need to submit to sacrificing their ‘crowning glory’ – the shave or dye as pledged.

Mr Ighlaas Saiet
Teacher in Charge of the Muslim Students’ Association

“But how do you know if your school is really significant in South African society today?”

Keith Richardson had five points to make in his reply:
•    Firstly, a school of significance has to have an impact on people’s lives.
•    Secondly, a school of significance has to capture hearts.
•    It must not pretend to be something that it is not.
•    A significant school must be aspirational, meaning that the school should always be striving to improve.
•    And finally, a significant school must be like an old friend who is always there to help them through the good times and the bad.

Mr Richardson then went on to say:

No amount of advertising can ever replace the demeanour of a Wynberg man – the way he conducts himself in public and in private; the commitment with which he approaches every task. This is the trademark of a Wynberg man.

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