Monday 24 – Friday 28 October 2022: Charity Week has previously been campaigned by companies, organisations, and institutions like UCT. Last year, WBHS was one of two or three schools to take part for the first time, setting the bar high by raising over R22 000. This year, WGHS, Rondebosch, Bishops, and SACS, along with several other schools, will also join this global campaign. With the other schools eying the awards we received for our contribution last year, we’re aiming to push this week as the first ‘All-in-for-Wynberg’ Service Event.
Charity Week aims to provide a platform for young people to become active, socially engaged, and united upon humanitarian values. Raising money to help countless orphans and children in need across the world is just one outcome. Whatever the problem, no matter how complex or how longstanding, we will always find it easier to solve when we all work together. In one week, institutions, organisations, and communities across the globe unite as one body to raise funds to benefit others.
From 24 – 28 October, we will be raising funds towards making a difference. Instead of taking part in charitable activities, Charity Week aims to raise funds to go towards a big project of a long-lasting benefit to those in need. Funds raised in previous Charity Weeks have been used to build schools, sustain orphanages, and provide aid to disabled youth, among many other causes in South Africa and globally.
24 October: Gatsby Day 1
Glebe, Hawthornden, Littlewood, and McNaughton Houses.
25 October: Gatsby Day 2
Silverhurst, Sunninghill, Trovato, and Oude Wijnberg Houses
- R50 per piece (a third of a Gatsby).
- Choices are Chip, Vienna, or Polony gatsby’s.
- Boys may order 1, 2, or 3 pieces.
- Only whole gatsby’s can be ordered for logistical reasons.
- Please ensure that payments are made by Thursday 20 October.
26 October: Sports-themed Civvies Day
Last year’s Charity Week theme was ‘One body United’ which inspired teachers to unite with the students by dressing up in their old school uniforms. This year’s theme for Charity Week is ‘Sports’. Boys and staff who pay R20 towards Civvies Day will be encouraged to wear any sports attire. There will be prizes up for grabs for the best-dressed student and staff member.
28 October: Last Day for Donations, Challenge Deciders
As in 2021, we will be encouraging staff challenges to motivate the boys to donate. Having raised R22 000 last year, our goal is to raise R30 000 this year. To reach this, we’ve compiled a list of ‘milestone’ challenges for when we reach certain targets:
- R20 000 – nominated/volunteering staff will be challenged to eat some (edible) mystery concoction made by the boys.
- R25 000 – nominated/volunteering staff will play a game of five-a-side soccer, with the losing team having to shave/dye their hair (within limits).
- R30 000 – nominated/volunteering staff will complete the School obstacle course.
To nominate someone for any/all of the challenges, please contact Mr Taahir Samaai to add staff names for advertising purposes:
For any further information or questions, please email me, or Mr Samaai as above.
Let’s get All-in-for-Wynberg and All-in-for-charity!
Mr Ighlaas Saiet
TIC WBHS Muslim Students’ Association