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Advertising Opportunities in the 2023 WBHS School Magazine

Friday 27 October 23: We are offering a limited number of our valued associates and friends the opportunity to be a part of this fundraising initiative. The publication will be in colour, each page 235cm x 170cm in size. We expect to print 1100 copies which will be circulated to 1100 families and friends of the school and published online.

The rates for advertising are as follows:

Colour Magazine (please see advertisers’ specification sheet)

Inside Front Cover – R7 000
Inside Back Cover – R6 000
Full Page – R4 000
Half Page Landscape – R2 000
Half Page Portrait – R2 000
1/3 Page Landscape – R1 700
1/4 Page Portrait – R1 500
1/4 Page Landscape – R1 500
Text Footer per page R 500 i.e., page sponsored by Ben Smith (Grade 8)

Priority will be given to early responses. Artwork and payment must be submitted by no later than 20 November 2023 to secure your spot. Your support in this publication would be greatly appreciated.

View the advertising spec sheetPlease contact Claudia Levarelli for any further questions at

To book your spot, please complete the link

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